Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Contest! A Plug!

Two things today:
1. CONTEST: Here it is! The first ever 15 Feet contest! Click here for a link to what has to be the most B-Spectacular preview ever, starring Sylvester Stallone in, you guessed it(!), John Rambo, in, wait for it… John Rambo! I don’t know what’s more awesome: the fact that most of the movie looks as if it were filmed in the backyard of his Miami home, or the awesome (!) foreign language of the webpage (is that Russian?). Here are the rules: You write the script! (Seriously, the entire movie is featured in the craptastic (!) trailer). The script can be no longer than a hundred words (because it’s Rambo), but must include the following brilliant lines of dialog (in whatever order you think fits—ellipses a requirement). :


“Long time…”

Burma z'a warzone…”

This exchange: “Bringing any weapons…”, incredulous response of your choosing, followed by “You ain’t changin’ nothin’…”

“S’not my business…”

“You’re gonna make it!...”

“When you’re pushed… Killin’ s’as easy as breathin’…”

Submission's can be submitted as comments on this post, or you may email me directly. Winners will be chosen by me and will receive my heartfelt thanks for participating (hey, I'm borderline broke, cut me some slack).

2. PLUG: Please visit my friend (and fellow UVA MFAer) Gina’s blog, The Dropcloth. Not only does her blog have a way cool name, it’s full of beautiful language and observations. (Jealousy x2) And yes, she is as pretty as she sounds.


Anonymous said...

Scene: Rambo’s Tarzan-inspired jungle shack

Rambo is standing by the bamboo stalks that, with the strength of his super-human teeth, he has fashioned into a countertop. By the window stands a tall, dark and handsome dreadlocked man.

Man: “John…”

Rambo: “Oake” “Long time…”

Oake: “Well, aren’t you going to ask why I’ve traveled back to this place?”

Rambo: “S’not my business…” “Though, I always thought after you’d become a master of carpentry I’d never see you again…”

Oake: “There is one art I haven’t mastered Japanese joinery with Burmese wood- a girl in a bookstore gave me a guide, but to learn the proper skills, I must come here…”

Rambo: “Burma z’a war zone…”

Oake: “I know, I’m not in Wisconson anymore...” But the memory of that girl moves me forward through the danger to learn this ancient art so I can bring it back to my sacred ground, but I must have your help gathering wood…” “Come into the jungle with me, bringing any weapons…”

Rambo: “Are you more high than usual?”

Oake: “You ain’t changin’ nothin’…” As much as I hate to admit it, I need you, John.

Rambo: “Awright, I’ll come… but I’ll never be able to kill timbers like you, Oake…”

Oake: “When you’re pushed, killin’s as easy as breathin’…” I must make my home beautiful so it will impress the bookstore girl when I kidnap her…”

Rambo: “You’re gonna make it…” “And not only make it, Oake, yours’ll be the best Japanese-inspired Burmese-wood log cabin out there!”

Gina Welch said...

You are sweet and give me undue credit. And close the yawning gap between me and hunky dwarf Sly Stallone. And make my anonymous blog nonymous. Can we remove my last name for searchability concerns? xo.